C-131D “Samaritan”
Wing Span: 105 ft. 4 in.
Length: 79 ft. 2 in.
Height: 27 ft. 3 in.
Maximum Speed: 293 mph. at Sea Level
Service Ceiling: 30,000 ft.
Range: 1,800 Miles
Crew/Passengers: 3 crew, 36 passengers
Engines: 2 x 2, 500 H.P. Pratt & Whitney R-2800 radial engines
Convair's model 240 has flown in many roles. It is still in service with many feeder airlines around the United States. In military service, they carried the designation of T-29. Bombardiers, navigators and radio operators were trained in these "Flying Classrooms."
Known as the C-131 "Samaritan" when fitted out for the medical evacuation and transport role, they were in service from 1947 to 1986. Our C-131 was based here at Travis Air Force Base in the mid 1960s. It was last operated by the Nevada Air National Guard at Reno, Nevada.

Convair C-131D "Samaritan"
Information derived from, “Travis Heritage Center” by Nick Veronico, copyright Travis AFB Historical Society and Travis AFB Heritage Center Foundation.
This book is available from the Travis Heritage Center gift shop.